Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Nearly Hit

Be aware of a black Chevrolet Blzer License place number NJZ-075. The jerk came within inches of hitting me in front of the building that I work at, on Stinson near Hennepin. The guy (?) jumped the curb at the red light to try and get away quickly, but I did get the license number and reported him to the Minneapolis police and to the State's site for reporting traffic incidents: https://www.dps.state.mn.us/patrol/unsafe/report.htm

Be careful out there.


Sunday, July 03, 2005

Lucinda Williams Concert - MN ZOO - July 2

We attended the Lucinda Williams concert at the Minnesota Zoo last night. As usual, Lucinda and the Love Band put on a great show. The opening act, John Doe, was also very good. I will need to go over to iTunes and see what I can find by him. The weather was absolutely perfect, including a breeze that kept the bugs away. Here is the set list, which includes a number of new songs:

- Ventura
- Fruits of my Labor
- Drunken Angel
- How to Live
- Right in Time
- What if
- Out of Touch
- Righteously
- Real Love
- Pineola
- Jail House Tears (with John Doe)
- Come On
- Changed the Locks
- Essence
- Bleeding Fingers
- West (Encore)

Lucinda indicated that the band goes to the studio soon.