Sunday, May 20, 2007

Thank Dog

We're dog sitting our daughter's Beagle and the new Beagle Mix rescue-dog this weekend. With the two young ones and our own two dachshunds, we've got our hands full. This photo is a rare moment of quiet around here.

Bike to Work Day 2007

May 18 was bike to work day. There were about 18 or 19 locations in Minneapolis that you could go to to ride with other people. I was working at home Friday, and Kay works in South Minneapolis, nowhere near downtown. Nonetheless, we wanted to be part of it. We met up with the Standish neighborhood group at 42nd St and 28th Ave. We left a few minutes after 7AM with 7 riders, and our group eventually grew to 11 or 12 as a few late-arrivers jumped on. Shortly after arriving in Downtown Minneapolis it rained hard, though not for too long. We took light rail back to the 38th Street Station, then it was a short 10-block ride home.

On Saturday the Urban League had its annual Tree Trust, where Minneapolis residents can get a tree for $15. I dropped Kay off at the Farmer's Market then picked up the tree. I was greeted by Mayor R.T. Rybak. I introduced myself and we had a nice chat. He was planning on pedaling over to Art-a-Whirl on Saturday afternoon, which Kay and I did on Friday night (followed by a bottle of wine and shared a dessert at the Birchwood).