Saturday, August 27, 2005

Bar Ride and Chuck Prophet

Saturday night was the SuperTeam's Bar ride. The guys on SuperTeam seem to enjoy bringing out the fixies and single speeds more than throwning it down at a local crit. Kay and I and three of our friends took in part of the bar ride before heading off to see Chuck Prophet at the Turf Club. Funny thing was that, even at a bar ride, we were all way off the back when riding with these guys. It wasn't that they were fast or we were slow. It was that we just didn't leave the bar very quickly.

This photo was taken outside of the CC Club. That's Mike's single speed on the top of the pile. I am not quite ready to subject my single speed to the pile just yet, pretty soon though.

After leaving the CC Club we took 24th Stret across town. We took the pedestrian bridge over Hiawatha and I proceeded to do an "end-O" on the way down the hill. I decided to stop and wait for the girls to catch up and pulled off the sidewalk and on to the grass..... which was about 7 inches deep. So - the front wheel drops and stops, and I do a slow-motion flip. Mike got a birds-eye view and enjoyed it. I brushed off and rode away.

We arrived at the Turf Club at about midnight. Chuck Prophet was on stage and we got to take in the last 45 minutes of his set. I really enjoyed seeing him and the band again. The band really rocks and Chuck has one hell of a sense of humor.

Sunday, August 14, 2005


This is a really good photo of my brother and me. This is a picure that was taken in June of this year. My brother Dan is on the left and is smiling. I am on the right and am frowning. I am not feeling creative enough to come up with a smart-ass comment or caption. Maybe someone can chime in with something?


This time I was hit

August 1 - Minneapolis, MN.

The day started out just like any other. Its a Monday morning and I am having trouble finding the door so I can get back to work for another week. I decide to ride indirectly to work and avoid the office for as long as practical. I decided to meander my way through Uptown and the Kenwood neighborhood and stop in to Dunn Brothers in Loring Park for a pound of espresso beans (whole - we have a nice Gaggia grinder and a decent SAECO espresso machine) and head downtown. From there the plan is to cross the Stone Arch bridge and head to the office.

At the risk of sharing too much information while my claim is still unresolved, lets just say that someone in an auto turned left in front of me and we collided in downtown Minneapolis. And, so Mom doesn't freak out, lets just say I was fortunate in terms of my injuries. My morning did include an ambulance ride and trip to the Fairview Riverside emergency room, where the staff are really great. Some guy was admitted shortly after I got there. He was passing a kidney stone and was occupying the area next to me. That poor dude was in serious pain. Someone please remind me never to pass a kidney stone, or whatver you do with a kidney stone that causes so much pain and discomfort.

The 'Orange One' from the Milwaukee Bicycle Company is pictured here. The frame and fork checked out just fine, the front wheel has been replaced.

I am learning all about no-fault insurance laws in the state of Minnesota. Very interesting stuff.

So - have fun, be careful and keep your Karma in check.
